Your electrical service panel. What it is, where it is, and how it works.
Read MoreThis can be an alarming situation, not only due to the frustration of non-working appliances but also because they can cause a short in the wiring.
Read MoreElectrical fires cause 50,000 fires a year.
Read MoreKeep your home and family safe with these holiday lighting safety tips
Read MoreFall lighting is an excellent way to convey the mood of the autumn season, even without traditional red leaves and early morning frost.
Read MoreSome tips to help you start whittling away at those little energy eaters.
Read MoreLighting is truly one of the most creative means to use a primary function to draw, guide, comfort, and delight your customers.
Read MoreMost of your concerns when doing the bathroom are going to be based on aesthetics, but function shouldn’t be abandoned—especially in a room where electricity and water are sharing space.
Read MoreYour kitchen is the powerhouse, both as the hub where the family congregates to interact, and in terms of electrical consumption.
Read MoreKeeping you and your family safe when using an electric lawn mower is priority one.
Read MoreHow we can protect ourselves and families from potential harm.
Read MoreWe use more electrical devices now than ever before, and even though electrocutions are less frequent than ever before, they still occur when they could be avoided.
Read MoreToday’s technology has simplified things to such an extent where everything is automated, and with the right choices, complete home automation is a real-world possibility.
Read MoreYour objectives are important whether you are updating your current lighting system or installing a new one.
Read MoreTeach your family about electrical safety and practice it diligently.
Read MoreTechnology has finally reached into electrical wall outlets.
Read MoreAs the need for trained electricians is going up, the ranks of the old guard electrician force is winding down.
Read MoreSome of the ways you can protect your family from winter electrical hazards.
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