Safety 101: How to Handle Electrical Emergencies
An unexpected electrical emergency can catch people off guard at home or at work. The confusion may lead to a delayed reaction, resulting in substantial property damage and sometimes even severe injuries.
Let's discuss the most common electrical emergencies and the necessary steps to handle them safely.
Electrical fires
Electrical fires can occur for many reasons. Faulty wiring and old appliances will send sparks flying towards flammable materials within the household. Outdated appliances with frayed cords are hazardous. When they're near curtains or carpets, the heat will spread to the cloth, causing it to catch fire. Also, cables arranged under carpeting can be easily damaged, and a stray spark could set the floorboards ablaze.
Immediately cut the power supply in the event of an electrical fire. Don't try to unplug the system or appliance. If there are problems with the wiring, the only way to prevent further damage is by switching off the power supply. This gives homeowners enough time to call for help and prevent complications like an electric shock.
Electric shock
Damaged outlets and cords expose people to electricity, and it's crucial to react swiftly when dealing with an electric shock.
Never touch a person who has been in direct contact with electricity. Try to stay calm and call for medical help, as it's difficult to tell how badly someone has been injured. If a faulty wire has electrocuted them, stay away from that wire. If possible, quickly cut the power.
If there's a nonmetal object nearby, assess the situation. See if it is possible to separate the person from the electric shock. Use a plastic or wooden rod to move the wire away.
Households with small children should have the electrical outlets regularly inspected and secured. Additionally, children should learn what to do in electrical emergencies and how to reach emergency services for help and guidance.
A qualified electrician can also install a safety switch in the home. It will automatically block a circuit when it detects electricity flow inconsistencies. Thus, it prevents both electrical shocks and fires.
Power outage
Whether due to bad weather or power line problems, a power outage is frustrating, but it can damage household appliances too. Outages sometimes occur due to a simple short-circuit, so resetting the breaker will have the supply up and running again.
However, particular areas experience more frequent and prolonged outages. People living in outage-prone regions need to prepare emergency kits stocked with flashlights, candles, and enough food and water.
All devices and appliances need to be powered off during an outage to protect them from damage once the electricity returns. Wait a few minutes and then switch on the electronics until the electricity regains a consistent flow.
Maximize safety with professional help
Electrical maintenance is one essential aspect of maximizing home safety. It reduces the risk of emergencies and maximizes the efficiency of all electrical systems.
Contact a professional who will inspect the home and suggest the best upgrades to protect the electrical systems.
If you need a highly-reviewed, licensed electrician in the Phoenix Valley area, call Efficient Electric at 623-810-9905. We would love to hear from you!