How to Prevent Pets From Chewing on Electrical Cords
Pets have a knack for chewing items around the house. While chewing on shoes can mean an opportunity for the owner to get new shoes, chewing on electrical cords is a safety matter. Such behavior can not only damage power cords and high-end electronics, but it can also be a hazard for the pet itself. Electrocution or a shock can traumatize and hurt the animal and potentially leave long-term consequences, such as pulmonary edemas.
While dogs are more likely to chew on electrical cords than cats, some cat owners report the same behavior from their beloved pets. Here are a few tips that can stop your pet from chewing on electrical cords.
Hide electrical cords
One of the first preventative steps is hiding the electrical cords. If they aren't in plain sight, they're less likely to be chewed. Reroute those cords behind the TV or a large piece of furniture to make it difficult for a pet to get to them.
Don't let the cords dangle
Although dogs might enjoy a dangling cord now and then, cats can't resist them. In fact, they'll play with almost anything that dangles. If there are electrical cords at home that aren't secured against the wall or furniture, they're easy targets for most pets.
Purchase some cord clips to secure loose electrical cords and prevent them from dangling. It'll be less attractive to your pet that way.
Spray cords
If the pet can't resist chewing on cords, one proven trick is to coat power cords with vinegar or chili paste. The smell of vinegar repels most pets. And as for the chili paste, a pet may have to taste it once to learn the lesson. But if these hacks don't work, commercial deterrent sprays may work better, which one can purchase at almost all well-equipped pet stores. Remember to unplug the cords before using a spray!
It's a good idea to observe how your pet reacts to the spray. Generally, pets find them appalling, but some might enjoy the taste.
Unplug devices that are not in use
For the safety of the pet, consider unplugging all unused electrical devices. Although that might not prevent the pet from chewing on the cord, at least there's no risk of electrocution.
Minimize cords
Consider removing power cords that are not in use. Why give the pets more opportunities to chew on something?
Train the pet
While this may seem straightforward, training the pet is crucial. Dogs are generally easier to train, but cats can learn as well. Commands such as "Leave" or "Don't do that" could help.
Play with the pet
Some pets chew on electrical cords because they're bored. Make sure to play with the pet regularly and leave some squishy or chew toys around the house. When there are other things to occupy your pets, they're less likely to get into trouble and play with cords.
If the pet continues to be attracted to electrical cords, consider installing GFCI outlets in places where the pet could chew an electrical cord long enough to sustain a shock injury. It won't save the cord, but it may protect your pet or others from serious injury.
If you need a highly-reviewed, licensed electrician in the Phoenix Valley area, call Efficient Electric at 623-810-9905. We would love to hear from you!